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Messages postés par klimero Nombre de messages référencés sur Oniromancie (non supprimés): 1299 Aller à la page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
Posté dans Screen de la semaine - Lumen / Asylopole - Vers l'infirmerie |
Klimero -
posté le 08/06/2009 à 23:01:15. (5372 messages postés) |
| Bravo à tous!!!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Forum - Projets, maps et screenshots |
Klimero -
posté le 08/06/2009 à 19:03:24. (5372 messages postés) |
| Oui mais on le verra nous suivre ou il sera dans leur poche?
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Forum - Projets, maps et screenshots |
Klimero -
posté le 08/06/2009 à 18:58:34. (5372 messages postés) |
| Espèce d'upper de topic!
(histoire de pas flooder je vais dire un truc interressant!)
Est-ce qu'il y aura le miaouss qui suivra Jessie et James en permanence ou on le verra pas?
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Forum - Projets, maps et screenshots |
Klimero -
posté le 08/06/2009 à 13:21:39. (5372 messages postés) |
| Très joli et bien fait sauf pour le énervé, la forme du rond rouge est pas top, après je peux pas te dire ce qui cloche par rapport à l'univers de pokémon, je connais pas assez!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 22:38:47. (5372 messages postés) |
| Drôle ça
Bon natinumachin, on lance un combat contre lui en même temps, okay!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 22:22:50. (5372 messages postés) |
| oué, il se laisse faire!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 22:03:24. (5372 messages postés) |
| moustique?
à, c'est pour ça qu'il fout rien?
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 21:37:03. (5372 messages postés) |
| Normalement y'a un message : vous avez perdu.(en tout cas je l'ai eu)
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 20:57:07. (5372 messages postés) |
| je peut pas t'aider désolé mais je suis sur un projet un
tu compte faire quelque chose de spécial pou les classes?un truc à la FFT?
les map et persos son t tout petit, le système est lent mais le jeu marche!
Donc félicitation!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 20:35:53. (5372 messages postés) |
| oué, y'avait natinumachin l, j'ai cliqué sur ready mais toujours rien!
J'ai eu blaster, mais il ma laté, j'étais parti manger(ya une option pause?)
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 20:22:17. (5372 messages postés) |
| Rah, le combat marche pas(oh!natinusala!)
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Sorties de jeux - Chess-RPG (Beta) |
Klimero -
posté le 07/06/2009 à 20:05:26. (5372 messages postés) |
| Oué!
Un ptit screen serait le bienvenue!
Bon, je tente!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans News - La Team Rédacteur de retour! |
Klimero -
posté le 06/06/2009 à 23:26:39. (5372 messages postés) |
| à ².
Enfin quelqu'un de cultivé!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Jeux - Mesians & Darkians |
Klimero -
posté le 25/04/2009 à 09:38:21. (5372 messages postés) |
| L'histoire à l'air un peu ...basique.
Bon, download!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Screen de la semaine - Fullout Zero |
Klimero -
posté le 20/04/2009 à 18:50:36. (5372 messages postés) |
| Waow!Y'en a des très joli!
Celui de Thrillerprod est super!(ya des tites étoiles entre une caisse et des tonneaux : est-ce un objet?)
Bravo à tous!
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Jeux - La Vie d'un PNJ |
Klimero -
posté le 17/04/2009 à 13:09:26. (5372 messages postés) |
| Raaaaahhhh, ça bug au 1er tournage .Comment dois-je faire?
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Scripts - KGC_LargeParty |
Klimero -
posté le 17/04/2009 à 12:12:05. (5372 messages postés) |
| Y'a plus simple, tu active ou désactive le 1er interrupteur.
DSL pour le up.
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans Tutoriels - Choisir le sexe du héros au début |
Klimero -
posté le 14/03/2009 à 11:33:39. (5372 messages postés) |
| Merci d'avoir posté ce tuto!
Je l'utiliserait sans doute dans longtemps mais il est très utile.
(J'ai arreté le making depuis longtemps et je m'y remet, donc j'ai perdu la main)
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
Posté dans News - Lumière sur....un rpg sans nom |
Klimero -
posté le 14/03/2009 à 11:29:33. (5372 messages postés) |
le fait qu'il est impossible de fuir .
C'est bizarre moi j'y arrive très bien.
Il suffit de faire combettre
puis dès qu'un perso peut jouer tu fait la flèche bas et normalement y'a l'option fuir.
Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying. |
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