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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM2K] [Complete Game] Nebulus

koaangel - posté le 24/12/2010 à 18:28:50 (7 messages postés)

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Hello everyone!

Excuse me for posting in english, but my french is very bad :)

Today I would like to show you my newest creation:

Name : Nebulus
Type : ShootemUp
Engine : RPGMaker2000
Language : Englisch
Stages : 15 + Boss-Stages

Trailer : Nebulus Trailer on Youtube
Download : Nebulus V1.00
File Size : 10 MB
Note: Standard RM2K RTP is needed
uses Inelukis Keypatch (doesn't need to be installed)


The game:
Nebulus is a Sidescrolling underwater Shoot em Up.
After the game intro (which can be skipped if you like – it's 10 minutes) you control the character Pogo. There are no enemies in the overworld. From here you can enter the different stages of the game.
The 15 stages of nebulus are divided into 5 areas, wich have different colours : yellow – green – red – blue and purple.
Starting right in front of Lukis laboratory you shoul head left up through the yellow gate. The yellow area is the only open one at the beginning of the game.


You are now in the warproom of the yellow area. Each warproom has 4 warpgates. 3 gates lead to a stage, the 4th gate marked with big crystal blocks in front of it is the boss gate, which has to be unlocked first. An important rule for all gates in Nebulus: Icons on a gate show, whats is needed to open this door. Icons on the left or right of a gate are a status display for this level.
You can play the stages of an area in any order you want. To enter a stage, simply go through its gate and you will be teleported with your submarine into the stage.


The stages:
The controls are easy: use the keys up, down, left right or W A S D to steer the submarine. Thanks to Inelukis Keypatch you can also steer diagonally. Using Space or Return you can fire a torpedo, which has a 1 second cooldown, with the exception the previous torpedo is already detonated. In that case you can fire the next torpedo instantly.
In the upper left corner of the screen is your life display. If you hit a wall or an enemy, you lose a life and you will respawn at the last checkpoint as long as you have lifes left.

If you collect an extra life (A) you can get up to 9 lifes. If your life counter reaches 0, you will be teleported out of the stage. There is no game over screen, you just have to try the stage again. Your lifes will then be restocked to the minimum of 3. Additional collected lifes can be carried over to the next stage,
In the upper left corner of the screen you see the level score. You get 5 points for each shot enemy.
If you pick up an item, it will be displayed in the upper middle of the screen for a short time.
In most Sidescrolling Shooters you just have to shoot through the enemies and reach the stage end. In Nebulus you have to collect different items to gain access to the higher areas and bosses. In each stage there are 16 crystals (B) – 10 yellow, 5 red and 1 green crystal – and 5 cages with trapped nebula. When you reach the exit of a stage, depending on the collected items and if you have reached a minimum score, a rating for the stage is calculated ranging from 0% to 100%. The rating decides how many coins you get for the completed stage:
0-29% = no coin
30-59% = 1 coin
60-99% = 2 coins
100% = 3 coins
These coins are used to open the boss gate of the area.


In the yellow, red and blue areas you can find a key (D) in each stage. You need 3 keys of the same colour to open a new gate on the overworld and access a new area.
The purple keys are special. There is no purple warproom. The entries to the purple stages can be opened using a single purple key.You have to find out yourself how to get them. There is more to explore in the overworld, just take a look around.


The bosses:
Each area boss has 3 phases, equal to 3 difficulties. To open a bossgate you need an amount of coins of the area colour. To access phase 1 you need 3 coins, for phase 2 you need 6 coins and for phase 3 you have to get all 9 coins first. For each completed phase you get a boss gem. These gems are needed to open th switch doors and to access the final boss.

The switch doors:
When you play a stage, you will notice some ways are blocked by coloured cubes with Pogo faces on them. To remove this cubes you need to find the switch rooms. You need a bossgem of the fitting colour to enter these rooms. Inside you dan deactivate the cubes of one colour. Doing that will open new ways in already completed stages.

Rare enemies:
Each stage has a chance to reveal a rare enemy. Its appearance is different to the other enemies in that stage and it will allways drop an extra life. If you collect it, the stage will be marked with a four leaf clover.

At the end of a stage you can get one or more so called trophy plates. To get a plate you have to reach special goals like for example kill a certain amount of enmies.
The more nebula cages you collect, the mor NPCs will appear in the overworld. These NPCs will give you hints about how to get the different tropy plates. In the back of Lukis laboratory you can alos find the trophy room, in which you can check your achievments.


The Mainmenu:
To access it, press Escape while in the overworld.
In the mainmenu you have a detailed progress display. You can also save your game here, look at the credits, listen to the used musiktracks and adjust some settings in the options submenu. You can disable effects from here for example or change the HUD. The displays for lifes, score and pickups can be disabled and even moved using the „place“ button.

Finally some more screens of the game:





Merry Christmas to all of you and I hope, you like the game.

kilam1110 - posté le 24/12/2010 à 20:38:17 (9159 messages postés)

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Whow, it seems very good, nice work. :)

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

Tata Monos - posté le 24/12/2010 à 21:07:03 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé

Jolie les images. Je vais aller regarder ça.

mapache - posté le 24/12/2010 à 21:38:06 (3379 messages postés)

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So excuse me, but because in my country we do not learn English, my knowledge are of poor quality. I am therefore obliged to use the Google translator ^ ^ <----- shame I know.

So your game looks really pretty, original ... Brief great =) after y 'a problem of homogenity between the sets and characters. That is if its really nice;)

Romain68 - posté le 25/12/2010 à 19:03:15 (2697 messages postés)

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very good game!

Cristal Wolf - posté le 29/12/2010 à 14:44:25 (647 messages postés)

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goulou goulou

This seems like a good game !

By the way,
Are you the guy who made Yoshi's Maze Mania
and Chocobo Panic ?

because you've got a similar nickname.

Un maker est avant tout un bon illusionniste.

zebrot - posté le 29/12/2010 à 16:18:07 (1601 messages postés)

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Troller lvl 1

Wouawh the english (american?) games are always so cool!
Seriously, why can't we have that kind of quality in our country?

Your game seems realy,really,really cool.
I can't even imagine the work needed to realize a shoot'em up with RM2K, so just GG.

01010011 01110101 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101001 00100000 00111100 00110011

klimero - posté le 29/12/2010 à 17:54:13 (5372 messages postés)

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Seriously, why can't we have that kind of quality in our country?

They do like us, they show only good games :p

Great Job koaangel, it look like good, I run (lol) download it !

Some pirates achieved immortality by great deeds of cruelty or derring-do. Some achieved immortality by amassing great wealth. But the captain had long ago decided that he would, on the whole, prefer to achieve immortality by not dying.

sriden - posté le 29/12/2010 à 20:48:34 (16612 messages postés)

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Wouawh the english (american?) games are always so cool!

lol surtout ne va jamais sur leurs forums histoire d'éviter les redescentes trop brutales. :F

Escapade | La 7e porte | Vader Ou La Fin des Haricots | Ketsuro | Polaris 03 | Blog ciné/jv | Mes albums de zyk : Diaphanous Horizons & Retranchements

koaangel - posté le 29/12/2010 à 21:53:53 (7 messages postés)

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Cristal Wolf a dit:

This seems like a good game !

By the way,
Are you the guy who made Yoshi's Maze Mania
and Chocobo Panic ?

because you've got a similar nickname.

Yes, that's me.

Small Update:
The game runs laggy on some computer systems, so I'm currently working on a fix for that.
I'll post it here, as soon as it's ready.

Thank you for the comments.

zebrot - posté le 29/12/2010 à 23:00:01 (1601 messages postés)

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Troller lvl 1

sriden>Nan mais la qualité est quand même bien supérieure à celle des jeux français.
in b4 le vieu débat qui sort à chaque fois qu'on nous montre des jeux étrangers.

01010011 01110101 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101001 00100000 00111100 00110011

sriden - posté le 29/12/2010 à 23:21:32 (16612 messages postés)

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Bin si pour toi les jeux de noobs en RTP et système de base qui constituent 98% de leur production, c'est de la qualité supérieure, libre à toi.. :F

Escapade | La 7e porte | Vader Ou La Fin des Haricots | Ketsuro | Polaris 03 | Blog ciné/jv | Mes albums de zyk : Diaphanous Horizons & Retranchements

zebrot - posté le 29/12/2010 à 23:28:09 (1601 messages postés)

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Troller lvl 1

Nan pas du tout.
Mais les 2% restant sont des bons jeux.
Tandis qu'en France, on doit avoir 0.005% de bons jeux potentiels et 0.0000000001% de bons jeux finis (pourcentage maker tkt)

01010011 01110101 01100011 01100101 00100000 01101101 01101111 01101001 00100000 00111100 00110011

sriden - posté le 29/12/2010 à 23:32:16 (16612 messages postés)

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Dans ce cas, summon Nemau pour nous calculer ça grâce à ses coefficients de pourcentage custom. =>[]

Escapade | La 7e porte | Vader Ou La Fin des Haricots | Ketsuro | Polaris 03 | Blog ciné/jv | Mes albums de zyk : Diaphanous Horizons & Retranchements

Méxia - posté le 30/12/2010 à 20:37:56 (236 messages postés)

❤ 0

Sa a l'air vraiment sympa, je vais tester ça. ;)

Index du forum > Jeux terminés > [RM2K] [Complete Game] Nebulus

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