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Index du forum > Généralités > Voting for an english legal RM2k3

OceansDream - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:01:18 (13 messages postés)

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Would you buy RM2k3 if it were released in english legally?

They are doing an interest check to see if people are interested in buying RM2k3. They had RM2k3 legal in japan only but never made a translation. So even though this is a french community, I figured there may still be interest for it! Let them know what you think.

I personally really like RM2k3 so I definitely voted yes on this!

Thanos - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:07:26 (9071 messages postés)

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Sylvanor, ce topic est pour toi.

Tata Monos - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:08:59 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé

Lol je viens de voir ça et de poster dans le fofo privé, je venais ici pour en parler \o/

Sauf qu'il ne sera pas totalement légale si le log vient à sortir à cause des patchs exe.

OceansDream - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:10:51 (13 messages postés)

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Yeah the patches are not going to be quite legal as that's still modifying the program. Hopefully they'll at least fix the agility issue in the DBS and make it more compatible with newer computers. Otherwise, I'd just be happy to have a legal RM2k3 version around.

Tata Monos - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:14:01 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé

I have no compatibility problems with RPG Maker 2003 and Seven / Vista personally.

Gaetz - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:31:12 (2382 messages postés)

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Plus, even if the patches are not legal, buying a licence for Rm2k3 from enterbrain should prevent any issue with them.

Lije : démo 0.5 | Powered by Geex

Sylvanor - posté le 26/04/2012 à 11:34:19 (24671 messages postés) - webmaster -

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Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

I'm wondering about the legality of the patches, as long as they just modify the RPG_RT.exe file, which is part of the game, and not the RPG Maker 2003's exe itself. So maybe there's a chance to consider it as a legal thing? I don't know.

But anyway yes, I want them to release an english version of RM2003. :)

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

Lberty - posté le 26/04/2012 à 13:34:15 (4 messages postés)

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Also, if you're wondering why you should bother...

Why wouldn't you? It helps EB! and Degica to be inspired to make more of an effort to listen to the fans.
You no longer have to live in shame knowing you've got a pirated copy.
You will legally own it.
It also makes a neat collection item for nostalgia's sake.
You can legally sell a 2k3 game.
You will gain legal usage of the RTP that came with it so that if you want to use it in other RM engines, you can.
You'll be supporting the people who support your hobby - it's almost like you'll be supporting your hobby yourself.
You will no longer be one of the dregs of society who pulls down the rest of your hobby-kin.

This really is a big deal, though. How many other companies would take a fan's suggestion and run with it when it comes to an older program? Wanna be part of RM history? Vote yes~

Tata Monos - posté le 26/04/2012 à 13:38:16 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé

Yes We can :D

Edit :
Waou, oniro est connus des australiennes :D

Lberty - posté le 26/04/2012 à 14:00:37 (4 messages postés)

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Oui, I am Australian.
Sorry I can't speak French. ;.;

Fistandantilus - posté le 26/04/2012 à 16:32:49 (6239 messages postés)

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[base d'avatar par Mael - merci m'sieur :) ]

Patching a .exe is most certainly illegal, as it involve breacking into some code your note supposed to read and/or alter. I don't think anybody would give a damn however : this kind of hacks by the fans do not threaten the product from a commercial point of view, and can even help sell said product. So... ù.ù

Good thing they finaly realize that there may be an audience out of there island.


Sorry I can't speak French. ;.;

This is not an issue here, and english is widely understood ^^
You can event write in maya if you so desire (but there is a slight possibility that no one will understand, however).

Sylvanor - posté le 26/04/2012 à 16:52:59 (24671 messages postés) - webmaster -

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Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

J'ai voté.

Il y a aussi la pétition. En général ce genre de truc ne sert à rien mais ils l'ont mentionnée sur le forum officiel. Ils veulent 1000 signatures.

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

kilam1110 - posté le 26/04/2012 à 18:40:44 (9159 messages postés)

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Oh yeah, I voted. <3

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

Chaös17 - posté le 26/04/2012 à 19:29:57 (868 messages postés)

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J'ai voté.
Sylvanor, je crois que tu as la réponse à ta question.


This means you guys shouldn't use patches/plug-ins/external programs if you want to use RPG Maker. Not sure about the RPG_RT.exe though since I know it's not illegal to change the icon *hint hint, wink wink*

Blog of Chaos17

Sylvanor - posté le 26/04/2012 à 19:36:22 (24671 messages postés) - webmaster -

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Le gars chiant qui rigole jamais (il paraît)

La question porte bien sur le RPG_RT, donc il faudrait tout de même une confirmation.

Quand bien même, je ne pense pas cesser l'usage des patchs. Ils me sont indispensables.

Les croissants croâssent en croix, s'ancrent ou à cent croîssent sans crocs à sang. Crois! Sens! ౡ

Lberty - posté le 27/04/2012 à 04:18:19 (4 messages postés)

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I don't think EB would care that much if you used patches, really.

As for why this is happening now, if anyone was wondering - it's because a fan actually asked. They listen to the fans. :D

Mlle Jojo - posté le 27/04/2012 à 11:58:34 (750 messages postés)

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Branleuse du forum depuis 2011

Ce sera un peu trop tard pour 2003, vu que maintenant, on a tous VXAce (sauf moi évidemment... :sriden Damned log !)
Mais sinon, pourquoi pas, au moins on ne se fera pas tous prendre pour des illégaux.

Leek Wars, faites des combats de poireaux à programmer ! - Pour avoir la pêche toute la journée.

Tata Monos - posté le 27/04/2012 à 12:00:42 (28 messages postés)

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Compte Non utilisé


vu que maintenant, on a tous VXAce

Tous le monde n'est pas sur Ace tu sais.
Il y a encore des personnes sur 2000,2003,XP,VX...

Lberty - posté le 30/04/2012 à 11:01:42 (4 messages postés)

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Also, by Iddalai~

Index du forum > Généralités > Voting for an english legal RM2k3

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