yop - posté le 02/11/2011 à 18:01:57. (296 messages postés)
Mais s'il y a des tonnes d'évents et qu'il faut les copiés sur des tonnes de maps ça devient vite chiant. :/
Une commande arrangerait tout.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 01/11/2011 à 22:46:32. (296 messages postés)
OK, merci Zou pour cette réponse rapide
C'est bien dommage...
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 01/11/2011 à 19:20:57. (296 messages postés)
Support : RMXP
Question 1 :
Bonjour, je voudrais savoir s'il est possible de téléporter un évent dans une autre map, de même manière que le héros, avec :
id map = variable 1
coord x = variable 2/prédéfinies
coord y = variable 3/prédéfinies
Merci de votre future aide.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 31/10/2011 à 22:30:13. (296 messages postés)
"Z", Vassilis Vassilikos
Un matin de mai 1963 les murs d'Athènes se couvrirent d'innombrables "Z" : le député de gauche Lambrakis venait d'être assassiné en pleine rue sous l'oeil complice de la police. "Z" pour "zei" - il vit - devenait le symbole, le cri de révolte du peuple grec.
L'étude des minutes du procès a permis à Vassilis Vassilikos de faire, à travers l'autopsie d'un meurtre politique, celle du mécanisme universel qui fait d'un homme un assassin et d'une caste, ses complices.
Un film franco-algérien, réalisé par Costa-Gavras, sorti en 1969, est adapté du roman.
Au tout début du film on peut lire : « Toute ressemblance avec des événements réels, des personnes mortes ou vivantes n'est pas le fait du hasard. Elle est VOLONTAIRE ».
Je vous conseil le livre mais également le film qui est très bon.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 31/10/2011 à 17:24:15. (296 messages postés)
Assez fan.
(c'est pas zorro, hein )
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 30/10/2011 à 22:01:09. (296 messages postés)
J'aime bien ce groupe
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 29/10/2011 à 15:40:33. (296 messages postés)
Gorillaz prend cher...
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 14/09/2011 à 20:49:16. (296 messages postés)
Ah ok merci, c'est bon à savoir
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 14/09/2011 à 17:21:03. (296 messages postés)
Merci beaucoup à Tasslehoff et à zou ! Je me souviendrais de vous !
Pour ton bug c'est juste que tu dois avoir un clavier de merde qui aime pas quand on utilise plus de deux touches en même temps.
Bah peut-être mais c'est bizarre par ce que j'ai jamais eu ce genre de problème et toutes les autres combinaisons marchent...
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 07/09/2011 à 20:34:28. (296 messages postés)
Merci ! Super ! Merci beaucoup
Edit :
Encore un question : que doit on mettre comme id pour "cet évent" ?
Je crois qu'il y a un problème dans l'AMS : on ne peut pas courir tout en allant en diagonale haut-gauche ou bas-droite.
Est-ce normal ?!
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 07/09/2011 à 16:08:33. (296 messages postés)
Ah super celui-la est compatible (et fonctionne !). Merci beaucoup.
Euh un seul truc : si c'est le héros je dois mettre quoi comme id ??
Encore merci pour toute ton aide.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 06/09/2011 à 20:39:49. (296 messages postés)
Ce que je ne comprends surtout pas c'est pourquoi ne pas utiliser les commandes de Zeus qui font la même chose et qui sont déjà dans le script ???
C'est ce que j'ai fais ! Ce que je demandais c'est juste ce qu'il faut écrire dans la commande car malheureusement Zeus a oublié de le préciser.
C'est effectivement déjà dans le script comme j'ai essayé de le dire plus haut (très mal).
J'ai essayé ces commandes sans le script que Tasslehoff m'a donné et ça à marché. Par contre quand je l'ai mis ça à buggé. J'en déduit que ce script est incompatible à l'AMS (mais de toutes façons on en a pas besoin). Je sais que ça ne servais à rien je voulais juste voir ce que ça ferais. Et donc je l'ai dit pour pas que quelqu'un qui à l'AMS ajoute ce script.
Distance pour x et y, ou distance générale (x+y) ?
Les 2 s'il te plait. Enfin le premier mène au second. Si je ne me trompe pas, on vérifie d'abord qu'aucune distance n'est négative sinon on la multiplie par (-1) donc soit avec un if soit en les multipliant par leur carré puis leur racine (ou l'inverse). Pour finir il suffit de les additionner.
Et j'ai une autre question : comment faire subir à une variable plusieurs opération (une série de calcul). Avec les évents on doit les faire un par un, j'espère qu'il existe un moyen plus rapide de faire ça.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 06/09/2011 à 10:50:31. (296 messages postés)
Ça s'apprend tu sais. Personne commence super méga trop fort !
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 06/09/2011 à 10:37:27. (296 messages postés)
Merci beaucoup ! Vraiment génial, c'est vachement sympa ! Je t'oublierais pas dans les crédits.
Avec l'AMS on a même pas besoin de rajouter de code d'ailleurs il n'est pas compatible (j'ai essayé avec et ça n'a pas marché).
Tu veux voir si l'action a été effectuée ?
C'est exactement ça
Ce que je voulais dire c'est si :
- héros/évent regarde évent
- héros/évent tourne le dos évent
- héros/évent est à X case de évent
En tout cas je pense que je ne suis pas le seul à qui ces scripts vont servir !
(Des fois je me dis que je devrais vraiment apprendre le ruby... Mais je me contente du basic avec ma calculette !)
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 05/09/2011 à 21:29:47. (296 messages postés)
Tu devrais essayer de créer tes propres ressources Déjà ça sera original, en plus t'as plus a chercher partout (et embêter tout le monde parce que t'as pas trouver )
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 05/09/2011 à 16:29:01. (296 messages postés)
Support : RMXP + AMS (j'espère que Zeus me regarde...)
Question :
J'ai plusieurs questions (assez liées) qui je crois sont connes. D'abord je sais très bien que c'est réalisable en évent mais il faut des variables, plein de conditions, et j'en veux pas . Si je poste ici c'est car je pense que c'est plus simple.
Faire que :
- héros/évent regarde évent
- héros/évent tourne le dos évent
- héros/évent fais un pas vers évent
- héros/évent fuit évent d'un pas
Et si possible une condition qui vérifie ces actions.
J'espère que c'est pas trop demander.
Merci de votre aide.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 01/09/2011 à 16:15:29. (296 messages postés)
J'ai testé et d'abord je dois dire que j'adore l'idée et que c'est déjà vraiment bien !
J'ai trouvé un défaut dans la prison on ne peut pas passer derrière la grille du milieu (c'est ptet fait exprès mais je crois pas)
Le rêve ou on doit attraper le lapin c'est impossible (je crois que c'est fait exprès mais je voudrais être sur)
Le système de bouffe est pas terrible : le héros à un petit creux je lui fait bouffer un lapin entier et une quelque heures après il est affamé !
Si jamais le héros a faim ça va dans les moins mais il ne meurt pas ?!
Quand on doit chasser les lapins je me suis débrouiller pour être toujours a une case de lui mais je l'ai loupé quatre fois !
Après j'ai surement oublié d'autre trucs.
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 29/08/2011 à 23:29:10. (296 messages postés)
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 21/08/2011 à 13:55:44. (296 messages postés)
Très bon tuto !
Par contre je crois qu'un seul interrupteur suffit car si anglais on alors français off et inversement.
Ca me fait penser à ceux qui utilise une variable qui sera égale soit à 1 soit à 0 : c'est le principe d'un interrupteur alors autant en utiliser un !
Du coup pour le dialogue ça donne :
if interrupteur anglais on
then "hello"
else "bonjour"
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 22/12/2010 à 17:34:15. (296 messages postés)
J'ai un problème : le héros ne peut plus courir !
J'aurais 3 questions :
- comment faire pour ajouter des images pour les directions supplémentaires ? Pour faire plus réaliste.
- comment faire pour que les autres event puissent avoir 8 directions
- j'ai copié le script pour sauter, comment sauter en diagonale ?
J'espère que vous pourrez m'aider,
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 09/07/2010 à 18:45:03. (296 messages postés)
à quoi sert exactement le clic droit ?
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay
yop - posté le 06/02/2007 à 17:17:48. (296 messages postés)
Oui je marrant ! jeu fous
ma dent... mes dents
"Thousands of years ago the old empire had enforced the Pax Morporkia, which had said to the world: 'Do not fight or we will kill you.' The Pax had arisen again, but this time it said: 'If you fight, we'll call in your mortgages. And incidentally, that's my pike you're pointing at me. I paid for that shield you're holding. And take my helmet off when you speak to me, you horrible little debtor.'" ~Terry Pratchett, Feet of Clay