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Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Aorta - not another classical REFMAP-RPG [completed]

Deacon Batista - posté le 09/07/2011 à 10:17:10 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

...and also no "Chrono Trigger" fan gam

The first time I had the idea for this game was in spring 2008, however my skills back then were too poor to realize what I had in mind. So it just looked like that:
2 years later I gave it another try, but this time the code was that complicated that I had no more fun working on the game, also I wasn't satisfied with its story anymore. It was a pity, because the result would have been a comedy game that beat most of the games of that genre in the RM scene. Here you can see the trail0r of that version:

Still RMN users did not stop to ask for the game. No game of mine was ever as popular as this nor had as many subscribers and page views. Therefore I decided to restart this project with a completely new storyline. I had put a lot of work into the resources, and so I had a bad feeling to let them rot on my computer, too.

The game though is still some kind of parody of different RM games from the German scene, nevertheless it is more focussed on the jokes nd the story and less on technique. In addition to that the new maps have definitely more details than the old ones.

Genre: Comedy, Classic, RPG, Drama, Parody
Battle System: Decisive "Story Fights"
Extras: Different Endings


Once there was only one planet in the system: Gayarra. 2 cultures lived on it, 2 gods watched over them. The wars between the 2 factions just didn't end... just like in every other German standard REFMAP RPG.

It was a time when the gods walked onto the surface to lead their people into the battle..

Nobody seemed to win. Deaths followed deaths. Pain followed pain. And so the gods played a deadly game whose loser had to leave the planet along with his people. The people of "Astroma" suffered that fate, still their goddess "Syphilis" refused to move her people to another planet. Her rage separated the planet into 2, so her people stayed on the planet which was near to the sun while the other people of "Veinarra" had to stay on a planet of darkness.

Though a Warp Crack was left which could not be closed forever. Each decade it openes itself for 1 day only, and builds a connection between the two planets. The goddess visits her planet at that day in each decade to close the crack for the next 10 years. She announced some of her people so called "Protectors" who have the task to watch the crack each day, just in case...

The present, the year 2003 after Gayarra's creation...
The young Protector "Aorta", an elf, lives on the light planet which is "Astroma". People there have an easy life. So she spends all day smoking, taking drugs, drinking and having sex, just because there is nothing else to do except looking for the crack from time to time.

But now the time has come again! The goddess' visit is right before us after 10 years of absence. however she does not appear this time... incredibly ugly demons are coming out of the crack and start hunting the Protectors to conquer Astroma!


Aorta is the only surviving Protector and teams up with her former boyfriend Berthold to stop the invasion of the dark creatures...

- lots of dicisions which differ the story heavily
- different endings
- tons of blood
- original music
- revolutionary battle system
- awesome story
- riddles
- creature almanach
- lots of Roco. Chrono Trigger and REFMAP edits
- hidden guest roles and celebrities
- many sexy artworks

- Aorta

Age: 19
Sex: F
Class: Elv
Weapon of Choice: Nitestick
Height: 5'8''
Weight: 141 lbs.
Education: quit High School, became a Protector
Job: Protector (job for people with no talents nor other perspectives in life... comparable with soldiers)
Interests: Sex, boys, drugs, drinking, relaxing, partays

She is the heroine of this story and the chosen one to save the world! Yeah! She may not be the smartest, not the nicest, but the sexiest!
She has no clue where she is coming from or who her parents are, but she does not care since she is living in her own little house in ''Assmapp'' doing what she wants when she wants (plus haveing an eye on the gate sometimes)

- Berthold

Age: 22
Sex: M (?)
Class: humanoid
Weapon of Choice: little pen knife (to cut bread e.g.)
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 160 lbs.
Education: College
Job: nurse in ''Assmapp''
Interests: his job, reading, cooking, watching ''Desperate Nurses'' in TV, annoy Aorta

He is a complete weakling and loser who is still trying to get back Aorta. That's why he also joined the Protectors doing that job besides his nurse job. He is smart, but... weird!

- Maggy, the angel

Age: unknown (over hundrets of years, I mean she is already dead since she is an angel)
Sex: F
Class: angel
Weapon of Choice: none (she can't fight, she can just heal and talk shit)
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 138 lbs.
Education: Holy Angel Academy
Job: former servant of the goddess
Hobbies: talking about her past, licking the goddess' bum

Maggy likes to annoy Aorta and Berthold on their missions... claiming she wants to help. She is more just there to look good and to give them some useless info wasting their time. She is only helping in exchange for money.

- ?????? ???????
No artwork:

Age: 39
Sex: M
Class: half Greek
Weapon of Choice: his penis, I guess...
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Education: Technology College
Job: VIP
Hobbies: boys

A mysterious VIP that was ganged up with the evil some time ago! Will he join the dark side again?

- ???? ????????
Half artwork:

Age: very old
Sex: transvestite
Class: demon
Weapon of Choice: magic sword
Height: 6'7''
Weight: 252 lbs.
Education: ???
Job: Lord of Veinarra
Hobbies: invade Astroma

The leader of the dark creatures. He is the core of the demon invasion. He used to have silicon breasts.

- ?????? ????????
Anonymouse naked photo:

Age: 40
Sex: M
Class: Englishman
Weapon of Choice: ???
Height: ???
Weight: ???
Education: Technology College
Job: singer in exile
Hobbies: revenge!!!

The main weapon of the dark Lord. He was brought out of his exile by the Lord to get revenge against his former partner who is working for the good side now. The Lord uses his rage to his own advantage.





|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

smudkip - posté le 09/07/2011 à 11:01:27 (628 messages postés)

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Deneos production

Good project!
With the holliday a lot of bad game come, but your are the best I have seen in this month.
Good story and mapping, I like it.
There is an A-RPG and a cassical RPG battle system? It's strange but new, I want to try it! :)

Good Job!

Pour plus d'infos sur Tako-San :

Deacon Batista - posté le 10/07/2011 à 17:25:12 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

Cool, this got moved forward to "Projets avancés" without having a demo!

@ smudkip:
Well, this mois has just started. ;-)
Unfortunately the new version does not have an action battle system AND round based battle system anymore, but because so many people liked the idea, I will release the old version from 2010 in the same package with the new version. The old one isn't finished and way more crappy, but you guys can have it then, too.

@ Nemau:
In my opinion every game with suckish mapping sucks. That's why I always set high priority on mapping.

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Deacon Batista - posté le 10/07/2011 à 19:44:07 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

Nope, "Frenglish" ;-)

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

MetalRenard - posté le 16/07/2011 à 22:21:31 (2675 messages postés)

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Ooooh... This looks really good... Could you send me a PM when you release a demo please?

|| MetalRenardMusic.Com || Mes Musiques sur Youtube ||

Deacon Batista - posté le 19/07/2011 à 17:08:13 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

@ MentalRetard:
Yes, if I remember it... But since this présentation is linked on the main site, maybe the full game will be linked there again, so that you won't miss it. I will post the full game. There won't be a demo. The projet is way too close to be finished which means a demo wouldn't make sense at this point.

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

sriden - posté le 19/07/2011 à 19:34:40 (16610 messages postés)

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zomg, dire que j'ai jamais pensé à celui-là. xDD

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kilam1110 - posté le 19/07/2011 à 19:40:11 (9159 messages postés)

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Oh le bâtard. :lol

Hmm nice project. :sonic

New RPG Maker - Forum traitant du logiciel RPG Maker tout en français ! | SURVIVE V2.5 - Dégommez du zombie !

ericssons - posté le 23/07/2011 à 20:04:08 (1400 messages postés)

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mentalRenard, il aura enfin l'air intelligent.

sinon ca a l'air sympa, ou plutot devrais-je dire: that's look pretty good.

En vrai je m'appel Romain.

Deacon Batista - posté le 06/08/2011 à 18:33:43 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

...or "MetalRetard" maybe?


My 3 weeks of holiday just started and I already continued the hard work on the game today and did a lot of stuff.

Here's what I did some time ago: A simulated Mode 7 effect.

image image
(Yes, the eau and the arbres are moving.)

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Annoying Thanos - posté le 06/08/2011 à 18:39:04 (9071 messages postés)

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Looks good, but is that only for some background pictures, or will there be a real Mode 7 travelling system somewhere (for the atlas, or whatever)?

I don't even know if programming this is possible on old RMs with only events, but let's just dream a little bit.^^

Deacon Batista - posté le 08/08/2011 à 17:27:21 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

Real Mode 7 including a moving screen is possible with RMXP, but not with ye olde Makers. In "Aorta" you also can't leave the continent. It has different climate areas, but you can't travel by ship in this gam.

This battle has 5 different endings. Here is one of them, quite bloody:

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Wataru Zéro - posté le 08/08/2011 à 19:42:15 (518 messages postés)

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Je suis au désespoir !

I love the mapping and the girls of your game.

Flavio Lan : Lacertilia

Deacon Batista - posté le 03/09/2011 à 12:29:40 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

The filles are the game's [s]heart[/s] aorta. ;-)

new month - new screenie:


Here you see a destroyed village. The level of destruction depends on the choices you made while playing the game. There are 3 different levels of destruction.


The beta and the final trailor are ready. If anybody wants to have the beta, just let me know.

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Ryd - posté le 06/10/2011 à 17:49:04 (326 messages postés)

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Oh des ptites culottes ! :bave

Thanos - posté le 06/10/2011 à 18:54:38 (9071 messages postés)

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Srsly, this game looks freakin' awesome. I love this kind of crappy humour, the world seems big enough to entertain me for hours, and you're certainly one of the best Refmap mappers I've ever seen...

Yet I don't have time to play and ask you for the beta at the moment, be sure I will go through your final game. ;)

EDIT: One thing though, the trailer music REALLY annoys me... X)

Deacon Batista - posté le 06/10/2011 à 23:21:12 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

How can the sweet calm melody by "Blue" annoy anybody? ^_^


the world seems big enough to entertain me for hours

Sorry, but the world is TINY! Very varied, but tiny...

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Thanos - posté le 06/10/2011 à 23:26:49 (9071 messages postés)

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Oh shi- :/

It looked big on the trailer btw. :p

Deacon Batista - posté le 08/11/2011 à 19:07:12 (49 messages postés)

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RM God

The game is finished now. Could somebody please push this to "Jeux terminés"?

I decided to upload BOTH, the new Aorta and the longer Aorta Classic. So you can download 2 games when you click on the Aorta symbol which does link to the downloads :-)


p.s.: To show my respect to the French RM Community and to make clear that I don't want to discriminate anybody, just because I can't speak French (unfortunately), I included some French words into the game like "Appartement" and others!

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Moutarde - posté le 08/11/2011 à 21:44:24 (411 messages postés)

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Hippopotame patate.

Hello Descon Batista

I really love the project, it is very beaus graphiques and the fun is here ! lol
I gonna donwlod the gamme dès que possibel.

Excuse me for my sad anglish, i'm a starter.

-> 1f4v. + mu51qu3

Wanoklox - posté le 09/11/2011 à 15:51:44 (2211 messages postés)

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Dijiguije - posté le 09/11/2011 à 22:28:26 (16 messages postés)

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Me Gusta tu videojuego!
En mas hablas en ingles engonces puedo mas comprender que los juegos franceses!

Deacon Batista - posté le 12/11/2011 à 19:33:12 (49 messages postés)

❤ 0

RM God

Gracias, Mustard and Digiguide:-) The Aorta gam will reach 200 downloads soon.
Unfortunately Aorta Classic has only 10 downloads so far... I want to remind that the new version is not really better than the old one. Rappelez-vous que. image

|Antiarctica (full)|Antiarctica (Trail0r)|Aorta (full)|Aorta (Trail0r)|

Index du forum > Jeux terminés > Aorta - not another classical REFMAP-RPG [completed]

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